What Is an Orbital Fracture?
An orbital fracture occurs when one or more of the bones around the eyeball break, often caused by a hard blow to the face. To diagnose a fracture, ophthalmologists examine the eye and surrounding area. X-ray and computed tomography scans may also be taken.
There are three types of orbital fractures:
Orbital rim fracture — Often caused by car accidents, orbital rim fractures affect the thick bone of the outer edges of the eye socket.
Blowout fracture — A break of the thin inner wall or floor of the eye socket. Getting hit with a baseball or fist often causes these breaks.
Orbital floor fracture — A blow to the rim of the eye socket pushes the bones back, which causes the bones of the orbit floor to buckle downward. In elderly people, these breaks may result from a fall that causes their cheek to hit a piece of furniture or other hard surface.
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